Jadis – More Questions than Answers (2024)


From the very beginning I have been a big fan of the music of Gary Chandler and his band Jadis, because Chandler = Jadis. To be honest, I have to say that I don't like the later albums as much as the first three but I own them all. But, good news, Jadis is back with a great album!

So what has changed compared to the last albums?

There is more space in the songs and that is mainly because more time has been taken to let a song develop, longer intros and especially more variation within a song itself. Of course you will say, you like long songs....... Okay, guilty. But a longer song doesn't always have to be good and Jadis is not a band that makes twenty-minute epics abut doesn't need to and they prove that once again on More Questions than Answers.

What also immediately stands out is the role of keyboard hero Martin Orford, who lays down beautiful tapestries of sound but also plays some vicious solos in several songs. Veteran Steve Christey hits his drums as usual and with Andy Marlow there is a bass player on board who approaches the playful character of the earlier Jadis albums.

But of course everything stands or falls with the melodies and they are really beautiful and I even dare to say that I regularly get the same positive feelings as with the debut album More than meets the Eye and that's saying something because that is my favorite Jadis album.

Chandler's vocals are to die for and that is due to the fact that he never forces anything and has found a kind of calm in his voice but still sounds dynamic and retains his characteristic voice.

With only seven songs and a total playing time of more than fifty minutes, it is a very balanced album with rock, with atmospheric passages and of course great guitar solos by the maestro himself, because Chandler can still play guitar like the best. Sometimes I discuss all the songs separately and to be honest, I was planning to do that now, but while writing, with the album in my ears of course, I decided not to do that. Why not? This album deserves to be listened to in its entirety and not just a few songs. I'm not from the Spotify generation and just want to hear an album from start to finish and rate it as a complete product.

Aren't you going to mention anything? Of course I will, and let me start with the more than ten minutes long Do you know because man what a beautiful song that is, in fact it is one of the most beautiful Jadis songs ever. After a build-up with acoustic guitars, the chorus comes to the fore and this is really beautiful with Orford on second voice. A more spirited piece with changing rhythms is followed by an instrumental piece with Orford on flute and a splitting solo by Chandler and then transitions into a harmonious part with Orford again who is allowed to swirl on keys this time. After the flute again, Chandler lashes out again on guitar, after which the catchy melody of the chorus leads us to a beautiful finale. As you can see, I'm quite excited about this song. Is the rest of the same quality? A lot of it, but not everything and it doesn't have to/can't because I don't know any albums where everything is equally good. Does this call for a discussion?

Questions without Answers is a more rock-oriented song that fits more in the style of the last albums but ends with a nice ............... You guessed it. I also want to mention From all sides because this song starts with outright rock but develops within eight minutes into a wonderful Jadis song with a long swirling keyboard solo, remarkably nice bass work, super harmony vocals, quiet middle part and of course would not be complete without several guitar solos to feast on.

Chandler often sings about human feelings and his view of the world and the development of society and is often very critical of this, and rightly so. He leaves a lot of questions open and that is of course a great explanation for the album title and a very justified conclusion because there are many uncertainties within us but also towards the future of our planet.

For all Jadis fans, this album is a great addition to the collection, including those who dropped out after the departure of Orford and Jowitt. Believe me, this is a really good album so buy it! For all other lovers of good music, the same applies, buy this album! After a long time of radio silence (8 years) a band like Jadis can use all the help and support they can get and you can do so by going to their concerts but especially by physically purchasing this album or at the very least, playing it endlessly  on streaming services.

With a very nice cover, as we are used to with Jadis, More Questions than Answers is a total package of high quality and we really have to applaud that.

Back in business lads!


Music 82

Cover 80